5 min read

An Unexpected Gift

A powerful
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Life's greatest gifts often arrive in the most unexpected moments, unheralded and unasked for. These treasures extend far beyond the tangible presents exchanged between friends and family – I'm talking about experiences, news, emotions, revelations and, the one for today, stories. Those narratives that don't necessarily originate from others but can emerge from the serendipitous dance of life itself.

This is how I received a great gift in 2023 - by randomly walking in a library with older books where I found one with a beautiful white-light cover featuring a mysterious girl and some beautiful animals by her side. I didn't think much of it, but the cover really caught my eye. And it was really cheap, so I just bought it.

It's challenging to fully convey the brilliance of that decision; it led me to one of the most enchanting fantasy books I've ever encountered. The name is "The Forgotten Beasts of Eld", crafted by Patricia A. McKillip. Written in 1975, this book won the first ever World Fantasy Award, a prize that celebrates excellence in fantasy writing, including novels, short stories, anthologies, collections, and even artwork related to this genre.

This novel, a testament to McKillip's imaginative prowess, weaves a narrative that transcends time and speaks to readers across generations with its profound lessons. And I will try to explain some of those lessons here, without giving any spoilers.

The Essence of Creativity in Eld's Mythical Beasts

At the heart of this masterfully crafted story lies an array of mytical, majestic creatures, each unique and vibrant. These "beasts" have their own original personalities, each one of them bearing the curse of great wisdom and experience after hundreds of years of life, have various powers and abilities that complete each other's and are richly defined by Patricia's unique creative mind.

Besides the high importance they serve in the world-building effort and the carefully polished plot the author crafted, they serve as a symbol of the wild, untamed nature of the world. These creatures are the main (and most powerful) element that keeps you captive in this world. Whenever I had the slightest detachment from the storyline or the dialogues - and there weren't many moments - the actions and thoughts of the beasts pulled me back in. There was no escape.

Simplicity in Narrative: A Masterclass in Storytelling

Patricia McKillip's narrative style is simple deceptively simple yet profoundly impactful. The story revolves around Sybel, a young witch who lives alone, apart from the world, in the mountains, while taking care of her powerful beasts. Early in the storyline, her solitude is disrupted by receiving an unexpected guest with a really uncommon request that throws her in a (almost) 15-year journey of love, betrayal and self discovery. This is a perfect simple framework that allows the author to explore complex and relatable themes as the nature of love, the pursuit of power, hate, revenge and, most importantly, the importance of choice.

Now, as I'm trying my best to explain nothing and give 0 spoilers, I'll just say this: The story is unexpected, will appear random at times, and will hit you with suspense, then linear a linear "peace" where nothing seems to happen, then suspense, then linear "peace" where nothing seems to happen ... you get it. Everything connects, and it is worth reading until the final word. Also, keep in mind that the text is really easy to read and understand, but enormously rich and detailed. You'll love the images you'll see in your mind while reading it.

Life Lessons from Eld

  1. The Power of Choice: Sybel’s journey teaches us about the importance of choices and their consequences. Her decisions, whether driven by love or anger, shape her fate and that of those around her. This mirrors our own lives, reminding us that our choices, however small, have the power to alter our paths significantly.
  2. Understanding Love and Power: The novel delves into the intricate relationship between love and power. Sybel, who commands great magical power, learns that love, in its purest form, cannot be commanded or controlled, as it either wins or perishes.
  3. The Importance of Self-Discovery: Sybel’s isolation at the beginning of the novel is a metaphor for self-imposed barriers we often place around ourselves. Her whole journey is about choices, about understanding and about accepting or rejecting ourselves and others. This should serve us as a powerful reminder of the importance of knowing oneself and being open.
  4. Respecting Nature and the Wild: The magical beasts in Eld are not just fantasy elements; they symbolize the wild, untamed aspects of nature. The novel subtly teaches respect for the natural world, acknowledging its mystery and power, and the necessity to live in harmony with it. Everyone knows this (theoretically), but these days it just seems so hard to understand it in its actual sense.
  5. The value of "forgiveness": A special theme lesson that I really didn't think I'd come upon in this book is forgiveness. I won't even try to give any details on this, as you'll be shocked of what happens in the book. But the lesson we can extract is this one: Sometimes we really screw up. And sometimes our loved ones, the closest people to our heart .. screw up as well. And we get hurt, and they get hurt, and everybody is hurt. But we only have one life, and then everything from this world is gone. So next time someone screws up, remember this before taking a decision. And don't dwell on anything too much, because you don't have the time. Live and try your best to forgive.

There was no way I'd have any idea that I'd receive such a beautiful gift as this amazing book. But I'm so glad it happened. In my opinion, this book stands as a masterpiece in fantasy literature. Its creative brilliance, coupled with a simple yet profund narrative, offers valuable life lessons that resonate with all ages. In a world often dominated by complex narratives and convoluted plots, McKillip’s work is a refreshing reminder of the power of simplicity and the timeless wisdom it can convey.

I really hope you'll give this book a chance so you can see what I saw. The story’s simplicity makes itself accessible for everybody, while its depth invites contemplation and discussion. So, after you've (hopefully) read it, send me a message or leave a comment here, as I'd love to hear your honest opinion on it.

Thank you very much for reading this. Hope you liked it.

Content based on the story of The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, by the renowned Patricia A. McKillip.